Originally Posted by ChuckElias
That's over-simplified. You have to add "as long as B1 isn't moving forward at the time of contact."
What if A1 tries to go over B1 and B1 gets hit in the head or face? Block? 
it hits outside the chest, to bad, block

Block charge, well, I went to a clinic the end of last season (Alan Richardson talked about block charge among other things). What he said is:
generally refs penalize the fast defenders. Referee's calls the block becuse they can't belive how fast the defender is.
If a player has established legal gaurding position (LGP), they may move, sideways and backwards and still have that position. They may also TURN inside their cylinder just before impact to soften the blow! This turn is almost evry time missed and refs says "he wasn't facing, block". It is NOT! If the defender has LGP he may turn to avoid injury.
But what is a LGP?
A LGP is established when the defender faces the offensive player and have both feet(!) on the floor. After this, the defender may move sideways or backwards, jump straight up in his cylinder, turn inside his cylinder (to avoid injury/soften collisions), if the contact takes place against the defenders chest (The defender has LGP) the book says: "the defender is considered to have been the first to the spot". This means, the defender was there first, he had LGP: Charge
Note also: the defender may go around other players, he can start at one baseline, slide down, go around several players, and still have his LGP.
A common miss (among coaches, players and officials) is that the defender must stand still and wait for the contact-forget it. The defender (if he has established LGP) doesn't even need to have both feet on the floor! You can jump in front of a player on the drive (if you had LGP before), be in the air, and still you have a charge.
This is hard to explain by text, but this is what I think about block charge. And also- Referee the defence! The defensive player is the key to block/charge. If you focuse on the defensive player you will get more correct calls then you will if you lock at the offender.
The player with the ball is like the driver of a car- if somebody gets in the way you turn the wheel. You don't run the pedestrian over, so players shouldn't be alowed to "drive over" defenders.
I hope this makes some sense to you, if not, I can't send you a tape of the clinic so