Let me just say that the day I make a call and worry what those in attendance think about it should be the last day I work as an official.
Secondly if I ask said number 1 D-1 recruit to remove an arm band and he comes back in the game with the same arm band now what-- Do I say "Hey number 1 D-1 recruit I asked you to remove that and you decided that you wont so since you are the number 1 D-1 recruit I will bow to simply be in your presence." As soft as some of you might think I am for this guy to be the Number 1 D-1 recruit he should know that if an official asks him to fix something he should.
So I can see what you will do -- but I will at the least asses a delay of game warning to said team for forcing me to stop the game while said player had to fix something I ALREADY asked him to fix. If its the second warning then a T will be administered. But since he is the Numbe 1 D-1 recruit maybe I should just not do that and give him my whistle as well or maybe give it to a fan because I am SOO concerned what they think of my calls.
Unless you thought by last option you figured that my last option was my first option. I expected more from you badnews but I try and treat every player the same sometimes thats tough like in this instance -- I mean the number 1 D-1 recruit. I should only be grateful to be in his presence. [/endsarcasm]
[edit]Junker what do you do for the same infraction repeated by the same player or team after it has been clearly addressed? There has to be a penalty in place than just saying hey go back to the bench and get it fixed again.