Originally Posted by tcannizzo
You are going to find it difficult to located a fastpitch bat heavier tha 26 oz. Manufacturers make fastpitch bats with lighter weights to help younger female batters increase bat speed. For years it was unthinkable that any female player should swing a bat more than 23 oz, even at the upper levels (18 and older). What we are seeing now is the use of the heavier bats 26 oz in the college game.
Speaking ASA there is no requirement to use a fastpitch bat in a fastpitch game. The only requirement is that it must be a softball bat that is not on the banned list. So, you can find numerous softball bats that have the weight range that you want.
Try www.softballsales.com or other web outlets as they have the best prices and complete selelction.
"Fastpitch or Slowpitch?
There is no technical difference between Fast Pitch and Slow Pitch softball bats. They are all softball bats legal in either game you play. Fast pitch bats are marketed more for young girls and some have bottle barrels for inside pitches. Ninety nine percent of slow pitch bats are 34" and between 26 and 30 ounces. Fast pitch bats are made shorter and lighter. As long as the bat is certified for your league and does not exceed 1.20 BPF, you can use it for slow or fast pitch, men or women. Most college women and almost all adult male fastpitch players use slow pitch bats."
Source: The Batter's Box