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Old Mon Oct 30, 2006, 10:57am
Leecedar Leecedar is offline
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Agreed... it's infrequent...

Originally Posted by UMP25
There was a heated discussion on this several months ago, and the consensus seemed to be that no one called it, with the most common reason being that plate umpires were too busy watching other things back there that they couldn't really see an illegally batted ball. Some expressed surprise when I stated that I have seen it and have called it. I don't recall if I ever explained that the ONLY time I've ever called this is during a bunt attempt, when it's far easier to call it.

I'm not talking about the simple squaring around to bunt. I've called it when the batter squares to bunt and does one of those running bunts where he ends up contacting the ball while he's halfway into the infield. If a plate umpire cannot see and call that, then there's something wrong.

Out of 150-180 games per year, I get this probably once, MAYBE twice, and each time it generates a discussion from the head coach/manager. He asks, I answer, and the game continues. I probably should note that I give the benefit of the doubt to the batter, and if the batter's box lines aren't visible, it really has to be obvious for me to call it.
Maybe it's because I also do softball and the slap hitters do it far more, but I get the situation about once every couple of months. It's usually easy, with the foot being on the plate. I just don't understand why we're not looking for it when the guy (or gal) squares, starts right at the edge of the box or makes a really awkward swing.

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