Thread: halftime delay
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Old Fri Oct 27, 2006, 08:54am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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3-6-4 covers non-football personnel delaying the game and when that happens we are supposed to call DOG.

3-6-4 Game management is responsible for clearing the field of play and the end zones at the beginning of each half so play may begin at the scheduled time.

However a team is required to be on the field for a manditory 3-minute warm-up period prior to the second half.

3-1 Table Mandatory Warm-up Activity Following Intermission: 3 minutes (The head coach is responsible for his team being on the field for mandatory warm-up time at the end of the scheduled halftime intermission.)

This is a manditory time we must provide each team while they are on the field so if a team delays the start of this three-minute period it is commonly held that the team has delayed the second half kick-off by not being ready to play.

9-8-1 No coach, substitute, trainer or other team attendant shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner once the officials assume authority for the contest. Examples are, but not limited to:
g. The failure of a team to be ready to start either half.
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