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Old Wed Jan 23, 2002, 08:00pm
daves daves is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 201
In our association (unfortunately)the coaches pick for the district tournaments. As you may guess, there is a lot of politics involved in that process. We have minimized some of the problems that other areas have with officials lobbying coaches for playoff spots. There is an article in our bylaws stating that an official may not contact a coach or AD for that purpose. Does it still happen? Yes. Some officials are pretty subtle and sneaky about how they go about doing it.

For the state tournaments, our officials get to pick who goes. We have a ranking system and the top officials as ranked by their peers get to go. We do have a provision, however that if you get picked for state, you are ineligible for the following 2 years for state. With this method we get more officials getting post season action.
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