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Old Mon Oct 23, 2006, 08:24pm
btaylor64 btaylor64 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
I guess both of you really are sending a message. You just tossed A1 outa the game for getting 2 "T"s.

Well....I guess you won't have to worry about tossing both of 'em later anyway. You only got one of 'em left in the game now--B1.

The only message you can send, short of unloading A1 only, is talking to 'em. I sureasheck wouldn't personally call the double "T"s for yapping, and let A1 be the only player tossed--- not when he was the one who got hard-fouled in the first place. Jmo.
I don't know why A1 would be ejected unless somehow you found out earlier in the game that he had received a T. I am saying even though A1 pushes to let the whole thing play out (jawing and what not) before you start blowing the whistle like a crazy man. You could whack both of them then.
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