Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Personally, I'd just rather see the schools tell the NCAA to take a hike.
And UND (University of North Dakota) is doing just that. They're taking the NCAA to court over the matter for breach of contract and a couple other complaints. This whole deal with the NCAA is a freakin' joke.
Originally Posted by Dakota
It's absolutely amazing that this "rule" is only being enforced against small schools. Florida State was granted an excemption, for example. I guess that was when they still expected their football team to be good.
What about UND's football and hockey programs? UND has been one of the top Div II football teams for a long time and their hockey team is expected to take top honors in Div I every year. There aren't very many collegiate hockey teams better than the Fighting Sioux. The Lakota tribe should be proud of the school and team.