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Old Tue Jan 22, 2002, 11:47am
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by twarner
Can the thrower bounce pass or dribble along the endline when his team is allowed to run the endline?
Yes, he can.

We would call a violation if the thrower hit the sideline.
I don't understand what you're saying here.

Should we call a violation if it hit the endline, and if so, should we then not allow a bounce pass or dribble across the baseline? The high school book says only a direct throw in or pass is allowed.
As long as he is bouncing the ball to himself, he must bounce it OOB. If it touches inbounds and he then touches it, he would violate.

Once he releases a bounce pass to a teammate, the ball must hit inbounds, not OOB. If the ball touches OOB and then touches a player inbounds, it's a violation.
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