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Old Thu Oct 12, 2006, 06:30am
grantsrc grantsrc is offline
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Thanks Mike for the endorsement.

Another thing I would suggest is buying/borrowing the NCAA DVD that is published each year. Dave Parry, the supervisor for the Big 10 and National COordinator of officials narrates this and goes over both good and bad plays. Learn a lot about mechanics and rules this way.

I got the bin book for both and they're ok. If you'r looking at getting into college, knowing enforcements help, but knowing the rules is key. The rules differences book really helps with that. Redding's guides are also good tools.

Lastly, there is a highly respected official (possibly former official) that sends out emails with case plays weekly. Email me and I can provide you with his email to be added on the list.
Check out my football officials resource page at
If you have a file you would like me to add, email me and I will get it posted.

Last edited by grantsrc; Thu Oct 12, 2006 at 06:39am.
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