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Old Tue Oct 10, 2006, 03:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy
I don't remember whether or not we were to raise the fist first. But in the last couple of years it has been just to punch the fist in the direction the ball is to go next.
Well a lot of things changed without explanation when Referee Magazine started publishing the CCA Books. The same thing happens on the Men's side with out of bounds plays. All of a sudden they took out the comment "You do not need to use the stop clock signal on out of bounds calls." Then it was made clear that you had to use the stop clock signal. It makes me wonder if CCA consciously knew what was in their previous books.

Originally Posted by M&M Guy
That's also a NCAA-W's mechanic, and has been for several years. I have heard a men's supervisor say they don't like that, and he wants his officials to "use the men's mechanic, not the women's mechanic". That may not be true for all. I have also heard from our good buddies Kurt and Beth that we are to specifically "stop the clock" (raise the hand) when we blow our whistle in HS, and to not just point.
That is true depending on whom you work for and who you are as an official. Remember some officials can do a lot of things that a lowly official like myself cannot do.

I also heard the same thing from Harry B. when I attended his camp this summer. I still see how things will be confusing to those that either did not attend the right meeting in their association or attend the right camp.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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