Originally Posted by Patsfan2431
Federation Rules:
#1 A slot back goes in motion across the formation. The player is parrell to the line and does not move forward or backward at any time during the motion. Halfway through the motion, the player hesitates in his motion moving parrell (almost stoping, then starting again). As the player continues to move across the formation, the snap occurs. What do we have? Is it legal for the player "Pause" in his motion across the formation? The white hat in this game noted illegal motion and had a live ball foul, but i am not so sure.
#2 The offense is in a two back set with both players in a three point stance. Immediately before the snap, one back picks up his hand and moves forward. Though a back can go in motion, it seems the back was simulating the start of a play. Is this a live/dead ball foul in this sitaution? (Illegal Motion or False Start?) Since the snap was so close to the back moving forward, i killed the play and ruled a false start.
1 - I can't imagine what made this a foul, unless someone else moved during his pause.
2 - Probably false start. This gets let go and flagged as IM far too often. You said the key phrase - simulated the start of a play. Motion forward by a back needs to be very fluid and non-sudden to not be ruled a false start.