Originally Posted by DG
You don't say what level ball this was, but no matter, I generally head off problems like this by calling a pitch above the belly button a strike, because it is.
I also don't call coaches out of the dugout to have a converstation with them about anything, and I would never say Please or Thank You during the short discussion.
I also don't talk with fans in the parking lot who want to b*tch.
What if she's standing in front of your car door when you want to get in it?
No choice, what I said was with the intent of getting in my car ASAP.
I don't feel bad about the parkinglot thing. I found it funny that I gave her MY email adress. Will make for a funny reading tomarrow morning.
As for the please or thankyou thing, I've been critizized by members of this board and partners for being too confrentational. Maybe this time I was too nice?
Thanks DG for the input... I'll store it in the brain for next time!