Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Was I too uptight? I just feel that when you say the F word, insinuate my partner has a mental disease, and direct it at me by saying Blue, it should be automatic, no?
No, you weren't too uptight. F-Bomb, gone. Alzheimer's remark, even w/o
the F-bomb, gone. Directed to me or not, gone. It was obvious to whom rat was directing his remark.
Ever wonder why someone would make a remark like that one, about Alzheimer's Disease, but would never say something along those lines about
cancer ? I'm glad that was your game and not mine. Although I am far from
a hot-head on the field, I know I would have reacted a good deal harsher
to the remark, as my Grandmother, my last remaining grandparent, suffers
from the affliction.