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Old Sun Oct 01, 2006, 08:53am
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 505
Thumbs up Good job...

Handled perfectly if the EJ got the participants under control.

As wise old umpire once told me that each of us has their own threshold for the amount of sniping or type of comments we're willing to let slide. That being said, most coaches will get to know your pressure points and will stay away from those types of remarks.
Coaches that know me, know that I'll let the occosional curse word go, but any remark intended to belittle me, my partner, or our families is pretty much automatic. Even if the remarks were not meant to be heard by me, they're still a no-no.

Good job on this one... you're a good partner who understands that the crew is a team!
"They can holler at the uniform all they want, but when they start hollering at the man wearing the uniform they're going to be in trouble."- Joe Brinkman
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