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Old Wed Sep 27, 2006, 01:51am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Under NCHSAA rules, if a boy were to join a girls volleyball team, the team would be allowed to compete during the regular season. However, they would not be eligible for the regular season or post season titles nor would they be eligible for the playoffs.
Two of my friends decided to push this issue when we were in HS. NV did not have boys volleyball at the time, so they went out for the girls team. They attended all of the preseason tryouts and were clearly good enough to play. The coach even said so and stated this during the hearing before the state office.
They lost that battle with the state office and decided not to go to court.

NV now has boys volleyball in Las Vegas, but not in the rest of the state.
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