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Old Tue Sep 26, 2006, 06:32am
RonRef RonRef is offline
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Location: SE Wisconsin
Posts: 266
Originally Posted by cougar729
I am trying to get a good idea on what everyone thinks about sideline warnings?

Basically, I have had coaches who at the begining of the game are really good at staying on the sideline, their get-back coaches are still remembering thier assignments and are keeping everyone back...

But as the game wears on a coach takes a step on the field, then its both feet, then its pushing the sideline hash mark.

I have always felt that if I am going to give a sideline warning I should do it in the early part of a game, that way the coach knows I am not tolerating him on the field.

I know most of you have differening opinions on how much leeway you give a coach as a wing official. What are some of you philosophies concerning sideline warnings?

It is just a warning, we need to use is more and more, why we don't use it is a shock to me. Just think about your own personal safety, if you run into the coach and break your leg that would be worse than a player getting hurt in my mind. We had one on Friday and it served it purpose and that sideline was fine the rest of the night.
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