Originally Posted by zooey1023
It was not a travel I was concerned with since he shot a layup and I don't think travelled. It was the dribbling with two hands. I thought that if this wasn't double dribbling then it should be palming since, if it is a "dribble" then it is one where the ball certainly has "come to rest" since catching and throwing it down seems to be exercising an inappropriate amount of control.
You can start a dribble with two hands. If you touch the ball after that again with two hands, that ends the dribble. If the ball also comes to rest in a dribbler's hands(palming), that ends the dribble also. The dribble ending either of those ways, by itself, is never illegal; it's what the player does after the touching or the ball coming to rest that ended his dribble that will decide whether he has commited a violation or not. If he dribbles again---> violation. If he establishes a pivot foot after he ended the dribble, then if he lifts that pivot foot and brings it back down ----> travel also.
Iow, what Jay R said.