Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
This posting is a great example of why Barb Jacobs should be ashamed of herself for allowing an NBA/WNBA rule into the NCAA Women's Rules.
Mark --
Do you have an "in" with Barb? I ask because of a ruling she apparently / allegedly gave on the following play:
A1 holds the ball in A's backcourt. A1 passes the ball to A2 who is standing in A's front court. A2 isn[t looking at the ball. The ball hits A2 and bounds to A's backcourt where Ax recovers the ball.
Now, I'm sure all of us here would blow the whistle for a backcourt violation. Apparently, though, Barb ruled that this was not a violation because there was no control in the front court. (!?)
If you have an "in" with Barb, could you either (or both) confirm the ruling and help get the right ruling made.