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Old Thu Sep 21, 2006, 09:13am
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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REPLY: Just remember a few things...
  1. A coach does have a right to an explanation of what might have transpired on the field. He gets it when there's an opportune time. No need to stop the clock or take yourself away from game duties to explain. Do it when time allows. Relay the information to his sideline official if you're not in a place to explain it to him yourself. And...if you promised him an explanation, don't blow it off. Make sure you get back to him.
  2. When a coach comes onto the field for a TO, he does not have the right to come across the field to discuss anything with you as the calling official. However...
  3. He does have the right to use his TO to confer with the Referee, near his sideline--not in the middle of the field under the rule allowing a coach-referee conference. But even here, his 'right' is limited to discussing a possible misapplication of a rule. A difference in opinion about an official's judgment is off-limits. If the conversation begins with, "How could he call that pass interference...," the R should cut it off right there. "Thank you coach. I'll relay your concern to the back judge. Now you might want to attend to your team for the rest of your time out." Then walk away.
Bob M.
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