Originally posted by Dan_ref
I have to disagree with your premise. I too refuse to answer the "wa-did-he-say???!!!" from coaches with
any details. Sure, most coaches might agree that the T was
valid, but more than once I got back "Is that it!!!? This
ain't a tea party!!" when I attempted to practice the fine
art of communicating in high stress environments. So I now
limit my communications to "he made an inapropriate and
unsportsman like remark". And I only say that if asked.
We do not disagree. Read both my posts. I clearly said that you do not have to answer the "what did he say question." It is sufficient to tell me innappropriate language" and move on. But if you just say T and won't tell me the reason for the T (a push after the play was dead, profanity, dissent, etc.), I have a legitimate issue. Chuck says he can just signal the T, tell the table who it was on, and that he does not have any obligation to tell me what the reason for the T was. I strongly disagree with that premise.