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Old Sat Sep 16, 2006, 06:13pm
phillips.alex phillips.alex is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 67
ok, so you cannot "unscore" yourself. But can you be legally put out? I would have to say yes, as there is a very good possibility of interference here. Think of it this way: abel returns to third after retouching home. The fly ball is dropped (unintentional). Now the outfielder throws to 3rd to try and put out Abel, even though he is no longer a legal runner. The defense could have easily put out the batter/runner. Do you call interference? I certainly would. But here is the tricky part: Can you call the runner at third out for interference as well as calling out the runner at first? or should you just get rid of the runner at third (due to his not legally being there) and just count the out at first? Interesting.....
Hey blue, he's balking again!

Hey coach, i still haven't put the ball in play.
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