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Old Wed Jan 16, 2002, 06:46pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Mark Dexter
Originally posted by rainmaker
"This isn't the NBA!"
I just tend to use this one straight!
I've had trouble with it. Coaches seem to think I'm being a wise-acre, although my intent really is to explain. So I've switched over to High School Rules. That gets the point across without the danger of being mis-understood. I mean, without it being my problem if they misunderstand.
I agree with Juulie.

So, I don't say, "This isn't the NBA / college." I will say, "That's the NBA / college rule. In HS the rule is as I called it." This gives the coach some "credit" for knowing a rule (even if it's not the right one) and helps calm him/her down when s/he sees the call on TV that night and it's not as I called it.
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