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Old Wed Sep 13, 2006, 05:08am
RoyGardner RoyGardner is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: MA
Posts: 127
It's interesting that when we have trouble with a rule we complain about conflicting rules, too many rules, and obtuse language, yet there seems to be some of us that want a 17 year old player to sort out the mumbo jumbo of the coin toss wording in the rule book.

The actual process requires two distinct choices:

1. Use option (choose now for 1st half or defer to the 2nd half)

then after that decision is made the 2nd option:

2. Decide receive, kick, or defend a goal with opponent probably still getting to choose end to defend

I see absolutely no reason to let this get screwed up simply because we know how this works and we're not going to make sure that everyone else does. IMO this is one case where getting it right (according to the rules) is not enough. Don't let a team make a mistake here, and before accepting what looks like a "confused choice" make sure that team understands that they may end up not getting ball in either half.
"It's easy to get the players, Getting 'em to play together, that's the hard part." - Casey Stengel
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