Fri Sep 08, 2006, 12:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: SE Wisconsin
Posts: 266
Originally Posted by bluezebra
Not always true. I was the umpire on a 4-man crew about 25 years ago at No. Hollywood HS (CA), and the HL and FJ, along with myself, had white hat experience. The referee was one of the types mentioned in the original post. When we tried to correct him on a penalty enforcement, he would tell us that he was in charge and knew what he was doing. By the end of the first quarter, the three of us would report a penalty, "Holding, 72 red", and go back to our positions. It was one of the most distasteful games I ever worked.
Another time, I was the umpire on a 4-man crew at Hollywood HS (CA). After the first snap from scrimmage, the ref tells me, "You know, the center can't put his hands over the front of the ball. It's your call, so I didn't throw my flag". At that point, I knew I was in for a LLLOOONNNGGG afternoon.
Some of the guys haven't read a rule book for years.
To be a good member of a crew in any sport we need to put our egos aside and work as a team. We need to put the game, players, and fellow crewmates above ourselves. We need to ask ourselves did we get the play right...that's it? There is no shame in picking up a flag that another official had a better angle if it is in the best interest of the game.