One night I was watching pool play in a tournament I was gong to be calling in the next day. The umpire, who is really good and well liked, was going solo. He made a call at 1st base, safe, the defensive coach came out and was very vocal in his discussion. The umpire talked to him and the coach kept getting louder, until I very plainly and distinctly heard him say, ".... I want to appeal your call!!!!" Now, I'm doing everything I can to get very little in the stands, and the umpire hesitates, says OK and goes back to home plate. He puts his hockey style mask on home plate and yells " Partner, what did you see on my call?" He then trots down to 1st base and yells back to home, " The same thing you did, she's safe!!!" By this time, the crowd is dying laughing, the coach is beet red in the face from embarassment and just waves at the umpire and goes back to his dugout. As I remember it, he didn't come back out for the rest of the game. It was classic and one of the reasons you gotta love this game.