Originally Posted by Old Time Ump
Until about 1965 American League umpires positioned themselves on the edge of the outfield grass a little to the right of 2nd with a runner on first. On an attempted steal you moved in toward the 2 bag shaded toward 1st but still on the outside of the base line. It was thought to be a better position than the National Laeague 'mechanic' which positioned on the inside. You can check this all out easily. Umont who was an excellent umpire in the Amer. for about 20 years was a former pro football tackle. It was easy enough to stumble as approaching the play..and that's what happened.
This is what I remember the mechanic to be from all the old video footage I've seen (I was watching baseball back then, but too young to remember umpire mechanics). What you originally said was that Umont tripped and fell on the runner, which led me to wonder why he was anywhere near the runner's base line to start with. Now that I read that he stumbled as approaching the play I can see how this could possibly happen.