Originally Posted by PWL
How is this a personal attack? R2 is not afforded any protection on this play. If he gets thrown out advancing to 3B, he is still out. All I'm saying is don't read more into the question than was posed. It gave you the play and situation that happened. Nothing more, nothing less. I have taken state tests and done quite well on them. So if you feel I am unintelligent and uninformed, fine. Get in line. It's just an opinion driven forum, only some people seem to think their opinions are the only ones that matter. So I was born with a spine, sue me.
One more time. If you read what I actually wrote, you will see that I said:
1. You made an intelligent and informed response to the question at hand.
2. You refrained from making a personal attack on anyone.
3. I was encouraging you to continue in a like vein.
Chill out, Dude. Don't you know how to take a compliment?