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Old Wed Aug 23, 2006, 04:28pm
Official99 Official99 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: NH
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by zebraman

As far as your Lute Olsen comment, I can only respond with an icon on that one.

You can take my comment about Lute Olsen however you want you. The intent wasn't to brag about the games, but to show that I am not some idiot and I've worked hard to get there (even though you may think differently).

I have read far more of these posts then I reply. I never like to post here because there is a core group of you who always attack everyone. If the "outsiders" don't say it the way this core group of people would say it then watch out. I came here to learn some new ideas from fellow officials, and I find all I am doing is defending the way I referee, a way that I have found works and has worked for me for many years.

To those of you who show a valid interest in holding a true conversation, thank you. For everyone else...