In a word,
If a team doesn't want to play the game, or decides they've had enough, then call it a day.
If the loser's bracket team wants to forfeit the championship game because they're tired and have played 8 games that day, then let them. They've earned that right.
Heck, if the Winner's bracket team wants to forfeit a game, let them.
I've been on all three sides of this: winning coach, losing coach, umpire. I didn't like any of the three sides. It wasn't fun to umpire the game. It wasn't fun to beat up on a team (which we didn't once we got the requisite runs ahead). It wasn't fun to get beat on by a team (even if they are calling off the dogs after getting the requisite runs ahead). No one learns from these games.
As a coach, I've always used these games as learning experiences. I asked a team that was thumping my team to bunt, to get caught in rundowns, to get in various situations so my defense could practice it. I've even asked a coach to have her pitcher throw a lot of drop balls so my girls could get used to seeing it. When I've been ahead, I've had my girls bunt, work on slapping, etc., so we can practice. I've let the other coach know that we are going to do it...requested of him to let me know if he wanted us to get in certain situations, etc. I've gotten my #3 and #4 pitcher into game situations...good experience.
But I've also told the umpire we were going to do what we were going to do.
As an umpire, I just bear with it. Eventually a coach (except for about two I know) will get the run rule lead, then have girls leave early, bunt into outs, etc. One area coach, while coaching third, will actually tell us that leaving early is going to happen before he has his girl leave the base.