Originally Posted by WAWhistleBlower
nit-picky ?? re: the Time to Replace a DQ'd player...
NFHS - 30 secs, warning horn at 20 seconds. (This means they sound the warning with ten seconds left, right?)
NCAA - 20 secs, warning horn at 5 seconds. (referring to the above, would they sound a warning with 15 secs left?)
This wording has always cause a minor amount of confusion. The warning horns are meant to indicate that the time alloted for the replacement (or timeout or intermission) is about to end...not that it just started.
The numbers just depend on whether you count up to the number or count down from the number. The NFHS assumes the count is going up from 0. When you get to 20, you sound the warning. The NCAA assumes the count is going down and the horn is sounded with 5 seconds left. The NCAA is more logical since ALL other timers count down in basketball....game clock, shot clock, timeout clocks, etc.