Originally Posted by mcrowder
Now I think you're just trolling. You know that's not the case...
No, the logic you used to address the OP hinges on the mistaken thought that it is the ANNOUNCEMENT of the out that matters, when in ALL cases, it is the EVENT that caused such announcement that matters.
the trolling comment was lame. For some reason I thought you might could do better than that in a debate.
The EVENT here is a INITIAL CALL, followed by ACTION, followed by a SECOND CALL on the original call. That is the total even. There isnt separate events, its all one event.
All of the time used was perfectly legitimate. The clock didnt stop after the initial call here anymore than it would at any other point in the game. Youre changing a running clock simply because of the time remaining. We dont roll back a clock/stop the clock at ANY OTHER point because of an appeal/help/overturned call.. yet you are making the argument we do so just because of time remaining. thats inconsistent.