Originally Posted by ggk
i also thought that B and D were correct. the question is from an eofficials online practice test. there was no choice for B and D. i answered B because I was certain that this was a true statement and they said i was correct. i guess they just missing another option for an answer of - B and D. does anyone disagree?
Just a word on the eofficials online pracitice tests, there were significant gliches in their system last year. I know this firsthand as I used them extensively to study for the NCAA test last year. I studied, took the practice test and scored less than 10%!

I studied more, took the test and scored very low again.

Then I took it with the book and once again got less than 20% correct.

I almost gave up on even taking the test at all because I felt like I would just be making a $50 donation to the college association. THEN I talked to some guys and found out that they were having trouble with it.
Moral of the story, use the practice tests to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you'll be asked. Take their answers with a grain of salt.
Good Luck!