Originally Posted by bluezebra
...the ump could have checked with the BU or any of several other umps hanging around.
It was the BU's call. Should he check with himself?
Speaking slow pitch, I disagree (I suppose fast pitch could be different, but the OP was about slow pitch anyway). At the Regional school I attended this year we were told (which verifies what the book says and what I've always been taught) the BU only makes the fair/foul call on fly balls they go out on, and only when they start on the line.
The ASA umpire manual section states "Plate umpires are responsible for all FAIR or FOUL bounding balls over first or third base, regardless if a base umpire is positioned on the foul line. If there is an umpire on the line, once a batted fly ball goes beyond the umpire, it is the base umpire's responsibility for a FAIR or FOUL signal and voice call."
Also - greymule's earlier post also stated "
the BU," implying there was only one in the field - which would mean there would never be a BU starting on the 3B line (let alone the left side of 2B), regardless.