Wed Aug 16, 2006, 10:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 1,718
Originally Posted by greymule
Saw this play over the weekend in a men's ASA SP tournament (I was NOT umpiring):
Abel on 3B, Baker on 2B. Charles hits a hard FOUL one-hopper that Abel, in foul ground with his foot still on 3B, cannot avoid. The ball bounces off Abel and ricochets past F5 into LF. Abel and Baker score. Charles to 1B.
The ump ruled it a fair ball under the theory that when the runner has his foot on 3B, he becomes "part of the bag," and since the bag is in fair territory . . .
The defense was not happy about the call, but the offense repeated, "Yeah, the runner is part of the bag."
And the game proceeded from there.
A tournament, and no one could set this right? Where was the TD? At the snack bar?