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Old Sat Jan 12, 2002, 10:12am
Talkinhoopsy'all Talkinhoopsy'all is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 23
Thumbs up disqualified player.

I would agree with what was said by Mr. Paulis, however after getting the information from the scorere's table, Then I notify my partner, the player and (from a distance) the coach.

If the coach does not immediately replace the player I without speaking directly to him, inform the scorer's table to start the 30 second clock and take a comfortable but effectvie position (as per HNFHS rules)in front of the scorere's tabler until the player is replaced or other action is required.

At no time do I make it personal and by standing at a neutral position it makes the coach have to make that extra efort to get take a shot at you,
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