Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Earlier this year, last pitch of the game, warning already issued, i got slammed with a bat in my forearm. It was so bad that I went down to a knee and barely could signal out for the line drive caught by F4. I held my arm walking off the field. Nobody noticed until I walked into the press box to get my keys, and a cute mom said "I saw that, are you ok". She was my nurse, and got me an icepack.
Coaches never knew. I was too pissed to toss the kid, or talk to a coach about it. 2 weeks later and my bruise is still there.
If it was intentional, you should have ejected anyway.
If it was unintentional, and FED, you should have ejected anyway (since you had warned).
If it was unintentional and not FED, follow whatever the local rules are (the pure OBR rule is "suck it up." -- and I don't mean to minimize the pain by saying that)