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Old Fri Aug 25, 2000, 02:24pm
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by James Leatherwood:
sorry about the length ...

For the record, Jim, I just went through the registration process solely for the opportunity to reply to your note.

I looked at the front page for eUmpire (after your recommendaton on llumpires) and I agree with you that the articles look good. However, I have a day job, and a family, so I have to be selective about which sites I frequent - even the free ones are abandoned when the time required exceeds the value obtained.

I was thrilled when I discovered the URC - the articles were great, and for a relative newcomer, invaluable. BUT ...those same articles are now stale, and I don't see many new ones.

How are potential buyers to know whether the same problem will plague eUmpire? After all, the site doesn't have the track record of Referee magazine, and Web sites have a nasty habit of folding.

As for this discussion board ... what can I get here that I won't get on eTeamz, the URC, and the LUmpires email list?

The POTD is a great idea ... but Carl quit doing it on eTeamz. Will it last longer here?

One bennie that I see for this site is the explicit requirement that the discussions remain civil. Once the user base grows, that requirement alone will be enough to get me back.

My $0.02 worth.

James Leatherwood

Just to add to Carl's comments, what ensures that the articles will not become "stale" is that eUmpires has a staff of writers churning out new material all the time. That's why it will be six articles per week.

You get plenty of bang for your buck with eUmpires.

Jim Porter

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