Originally Posted by Tim C
Rich's answer suffices for my view.
A "better" example for you to ask would have been:
Right handed hitter, and the hit-and-run play is on. F1 pitches out so that the ball is in the left handed batter's box - - -
Batter reaches Waaay across and pokes the ball into right field.
What would you call?
Again, when tracking a pitch I would have no idea if the batter's foot was actually on the ground outside the batter's box -- I do not call what I do not see therefore I would ignore it.
38 years, 3801 games and I have never considered calling this "violation."
I didn't want to know about a hit-and-run play that the batter "reaches" for. I wouldn't see his footwork on this play either, nor would anyone else quite frankly. Nor would I care.
I asked specifically about a batter who doesn't know how to bunt properly, who squares around and his back foot is entirely on top of the plate, which is clearly visible in the umpire's peripheral vision. If you
saw this, would you call it?