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Old Wed Jan 09, 2002, 09:38pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Larks
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Rookie Chimes in:

Assuming the whole end line thing meant as A was throwing the ball in after a made basket by B....isnt this a throw in violation on A. My NF Book is at work so if someone else has the exact verbage, feel free. My recollection is that a throw in has to be to a player "In Bounds". Since B was OOB and no one else touched the ball....I'm thinking it's B's ball at the this case, wherever A threw it from.

Now, imagine the Howler Monkeys on that call!

I'm not sure since I dont have my book....Anyone?

As long as the throw-in touches a player, whether inbounds or out-of-bounds, it's not a throw-in violation.

Award the ball just as you would on any out-of-bounds situation.
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