Originally Posted by BigUmp56
I still think that it's money well spent on the +POS. I don't care for their service so I tried the Spot Bilts this season and took a fastball off of the toe only to find out that it wasn't a steel toed shoe, but a hard toed shoe. In hindsight I wish I had just ordered another pair of the +POS. I'd like to hear what Tim Christensen thought of the Nike plate shoes he had the opportunity to try this year. Hopefully they'll be put into full production if the test group gave them favorable feedback.
I bet you didn't feel enuf vibration either.
In all seriousness, get well.
I just couldn't resist after our disagreements about proper fit and shoe size a few months ago. I put a lot of imaginary
made-up stuff in that one which is also one of the reasons I enjoy posting so damn much. But you and others already knew that.