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Old Wed Jul 19, 2006, 09:32am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by CecilOne
The NCAA procedure
"The umpire needs to make a ruling only if there is a subsequent play, attempted play, or apparent confusion by the offense or defense after the pitch. If the batter is entitled to run, and the umpire judges that the pitch was not caught (and/or has gotten confirmation from a base umpire that it was not caught), and a play is made on the batter-runner, either the plate or first base umpire will rule on the play. If the plate umpire has judged that the pitch was caught (and/or gotten confirmation from a base umpire that it was caught) and the catcher or batter appears unsure and attempts to play, the umpire should say while signaling an out: “Batter is out.” "

looks good for any rules. I especially try to do the last sentence, although I usually call the out on any caught third strike or "1st occupied" out.
NCAA says to NOT routinely call the "out" on caught third strike; the contrast in not calling it on a drop is considered tipping the offense to the play. That's why they suggest you only call it when they appear confused.
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