Originally Posted by PWL
Another classic case of obsessive control behavior. Why do you worry what my personal ejection count is up to. What you really need to worry about is what your weight and cholesterol level is up to. Take this to heart. Get off the Internet and get out and get in shape before you drop dead from a heart attack or stroke. Wouldn't it be terrible if I was still posting while you were drooling all over yourself. Think about that for awhile. Put me down all you want. It's only cyberspace.
Weight is down, cholesterol never been up, shape I'm in irrelevant. I have health conditions which have nothing to do with weight. I do not drool. You are a fool and a tool. If I saw you in person I'd kick your really in great shape, 200 crunches a$s all over the place.
I'll answer the ejection count question: Still