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Old Thu Aug 24, 2000, 04:51pm
Jim Porter Jim Porter is offline
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Originally posted by Jim Mills:
It isn't just the forum; it's the eUmpire package. At URC you can read the articles and participate in discussions for free. I think people come for a look, see that they can't read the articles unless they pay fifty bucks, and decide that the discussion board here isn't anything they can't get, along with other non-interactive features, elsewhere for free.

Maybe I'm not techno-geeky enough, but for me, the fact that the site loads in a half-second instead of five seconds just isn't that big a deal.

BTW: Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. I love flat mode.

This is a cool site, though. I'm betting that time will heal this wound.

For the record, Jim, the articles at EUmpire CAN'T be found elsewhere. The writers here have made a concerted effort to offer pieces here that are unlike anything at URC, or anywhere else.

For the very best in advanced umpiring techniques and instruction, there is no place like EUmpire.

Jim Porter

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