Thread: No Brainer?
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Old Mon Jul 17, 2006, 12:16pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
It sure should be, Mike.
Maybe it should be, but it's not, not by rule.

Lacking a ruleset in the OP, I assumed OBR, and it's not automatic. If it was a FED game and my partner ignored it, yeah - I guess I'd have to go ahead and toss him - but if it's OBR, there's no way I'm guessing an ejection from 100 feet away if my partner, who was right there, didn't toss him.

(OTOH - if I'm PU, I'm probably tossing him anyway barring something extremely odd.)

I just don't see this as an automatic penalty that should be enforced from many miles away.
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