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Old Sat Jul 15, 2006, 09:38pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust
It doesn't. It's just an observation of the typical career projression of the majority of officials. Some get there much quicker, some never do..

Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Come on, we're not talking 60 year olds. The guys I'm talking about are in their 30's and 40's. I certainly agree with you on your point...there comes a time when age takes it's toll. There are very few 60 year old ref's working varsity ball and those that are work lower levels.
Come check out my area.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Again, wrong ages. Most of the bunch is 35-40 with may a couple approaching 50....most of them also work college ball. They are the best officials, even if a couple of them couldn't match up with a 17 year old in a sprint.
Wow, if you folks have a bunch of 35-40 yr olds with 15-20 yrs of exp, then you are either very fortunate or are doing your recruiting, training, and retention very well. I'd guess that most of them are in the 7-12 yrs of exp range though and that is how long I think that it takes to really become a top level official.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Absolutely. But the point of my posts was that some good officials are giving it up before they even have any real experience...after 2-4 years. It's a phenomona all to common in modern culture....everyone wants to be hired into a CEO position straight out of college.
Yep, that's a problem. Some actually bail out only a year or two before they are going to working those big games.
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