Thread: Coaches
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Old Sat Jul 15, 2006, 09:12am
pdxblue pdxblue is offline
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Posts: 164
Originally Posted by LLPA13UmpDan
...then the other coach from that team in the 3rd base dougout screamed out- What the h*ll you missed that call and everyone including the fans thinks so like doesnt matter what u see or they see...its what i see. end of story. Then theres also the coach who wants to argue the strike zone. In the dugout you have a different view then you do from behind the plate. We tell them b4 the game at the plate meeting "no arguing judgement calls- they are our calls- we call it as we see it". Gee that doesnt go very far. End of story.
Nope, not end of story.

First off, coaches KNOW they are not supposed to argue judgement calls. They do because you LET THEM DO IT!!!

Next, DON'T EVER IN A MILLION YEARS say at the pre game "No arguing judgement calls". First reason why is that you have no idea if they will. Next, by saying "no arguing", that SHOULD be a warning, and the next time you eject them.

Next, any coach yelling "what the hell" from the dugout, and following that with "you missed that call" IS going to get a verbal warning to not argue balls and strikes/safes and outs!!! Simply, you call time, take off your mask (if you are PU) turn to the dug out, put up your hand closest to them and say in a VERY VERY LOUD voice "Coach, there will be no more arguing balls and strikes (or safes and outs). NO MORE!". If they argue another one, dump them.

Let me tell you, maybe once a year, I have to dump a guy after I give that kind of warning. If the warning is presented sternly, most likely, you will not hear another peep from the coaches/players of that team, and often, from the other team too!

YOU let them argue judgement calls. If you let them, they will. YOU can stop them too. If they don't stop, eject them. You have the rule book backing you up. After the first time you eject, I can almost assure you that you will NOT have problems with that coach again. He has probably been waiting for that ejection for some time, and is probably surprised that you haven't yet.
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