Thread: Coaches
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Old Sat Jul 15, 2006, 12:15am
LLPA13UmpDan LLPA13UmpDan is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 362

Couple things with this one- Why is it coached insist on arguing/disputing judgement calls? its pointless and stupid. When i was doing third base on thursday.. Runner was trying to steal third...3rd basemen gets the ball and stretches back to make the tag- I call runner out; i saw him get tug. The third base coach obviously didnt think so- He was like "oh come on blue this isnt the major leagues where if the ball beats you ur out" and everyone of third base side was boo-ing...then the other coach from that team in the 3rd base dougout screamed out- What the h*ll you missed that call and everyone including the fans thinks so like doesnt matter what u see or they see...its what i see. end of story. Then theres also the coach who wants to argue the strike zone. In the dugout you have a different view then you do from behind the plate. We tell them b4 the game at the plate meeting "no arguing judgement calls- they are our calls- we call it as we see it". Gee that doesnt go very far. End of story. what sense is it to argue judgement?
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