Originally Posted by JRutledge
I did not say there were not expectations or a couple of people that did that. I can tell you having personally tracked the Class A Boy's State Finals and I know the two people that sent emails to associations all across the state for Class AA Boys and Girls Class A and AA Playoffs there were only a handful of people that even worked both. I worked a regional a couple of years ago with an official that worked a Class AA Girl's Super-Sectional and Class AA Boy's Sectional in the same year. The next year he worked the State Finals in Class AA Girls and he did not get a single Class AA Boy's assignment. I can tell you he was not happy. I also have know two officials that worked Class AA Boy's Regionals for years, then when they worked the Class AA Girl's Final for two years, they did not get any assignments for Boy's anymore. They need around 160 officials for Class AA assignments. If all you can come up with is one or two guys that work both that does not sound like a ringing endorsement to me. I think you need to look at the numbers overall and not a couple examples of people that work both.
There are 64 Class AA Regionals throughout the entire State of Illinois. They need at least 192 officials to work those regionals at 3 officials for one site (some regionals have 3 extra officials to help work a double header). I bet there were not 10% of those on the Boy's side that worked a single Girl's playoff game. Many do not make themselves available. Others do not get assigned or work enough games to get assigned girl's games.
I also know of at least two officials in our association alone that did not work
any girls' varsity games during the season, but still received a girls regional assignment, at least 2 years running. So we can probably bat around a bunch of numbers for a while and not come to many conclusions.
But, here are my questions to you:
- Do you feel we should separate "girls" and "boys" officials?
- If so, why? If not, why not?
- If so, do you feel the "better" officials should be on the boys side? In other words, do feel the boys game is a "better" game, and deserves more or most of the "better" officials? Or should officials be assigned or hired without regard for which type of game is being played that night?