What Camron said is true here in Washington State as well. Anytime we get a woman official on the girls side with any ability at all, she is promoted very quickly. Much quicker than a man of equal ability. Call it mentoring, call it "good for the girls game," call it whatever you want. It happens. As hard as we try to recruit female officials, it's hard to find many. When we get a decent one, we do all we can to help them succeed as fast as possible. If we're guilty of anything, it's pushing them up too fast. But on the girls side, I'm not sure that's such a bad thing.
I know that when I go to a state tournament on the girls side, I have to be considerably better than any woman there, not just slightly better, in order to get the championship game. I have no problem with that, in fact I enjoy the challenge and I know what the "ground rules" are before I get there.
Despite the fact that we bend over backwards to promote quality female officials, many of the female officials who don't climb the ladder quickly think it's a "Neanderthal thing." No different really than the men who don't climb the ladder quickly and blame it on politics or a good-old boy network.